Winsor & Newton is known for offering professional quality paints and in this set you’ll find twelve 8ml tubes of it:
- cadmium yellow pale hue
- cadmium yellow hue
- cadmium red pale hue
- alizarin crimson hue
- ultramarine
- cobalt blue hue
- sap green
- viridian hue
- yellow ochre
- burnt sienna
- burnt umber
- Chinese white
The construction of the set is a high quality plastic measuring approximately 4.5 by 8 inches. Inside there are two removable mixing palettes that offer a combined 16 mixing wells. Also included is a Cotman Series 111 #3 round brush. Enjoy yourself and dive right into painting some watercolours at home, in the studio, classroom, or on the go with this watercolour tube set by Winsor & Newton.
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