
Garfield Fat Cat 3- Pack Volume 3

Original price was: $24.00.Current price is: $19.20.

SKU: BUY2135246835 Category:


Thisfun-filledcollection includes three books in one:Garfield Sits Around the House, Garfield Tips the Scales,andGarfield Loses His Feet.

That four-legged fur balloon we affectionately call Garfield always wants moreand he gives as good as he gets in this chunky volume of belly-busting laughs.

So whether he’s walloping Odie with a paper, pelting Jon with a pie, trying out an all-the-coffee-you-can-drink diet, or sneaking onto an airplane, Garfield provides plenty of thrills and spills for his hapless owner and lots of laughs for his ravenous readers!

The GARFIELD FAT CAT 3-PACK series collects the GARFIELD comic-strip compilation books in a new, full-color format. Garfield may have gone through a few changes, but one thing has stayed the same: his enormous appetite for food and fun. So enjoy some super sized laughs with the insatiable cat, because too much fun is never enough!


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