Talens has curated the ideal collection of oils to get you started out. Oil paint is slow drying which makes it perfect for mixing and creating clean and smooth blends on the canvas. It can be used directly out of the tube or thinned with oil mediums to create glazes.
This set of 24 colours includes:
104 Zinc White
105 Titanium White
205 Lemon Yellow (Primary)
200 Yellow
235 Orange
311 Vermilion
334 Scarlet
318 Carmine
504 Ultramarine
512 Cobalt Blue (Ultramarine)
530 Svres Blue
570 Phthalo Blue
508 Prussian Blue
662 Permanent Green
615 Emerald Green
616 Viridian
620 Olive Green
227 Yellow Ochre
234 Raw Sienna
411 Burnt Sienna
409 Burnt Umber
408 Raw Umber
708 Paynes Grey
701 Ivory Black
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