DUO Whites
Titanium Whiteis the most popular white, Titanium White is inert and non-reactive under most ordinary conditions. It has greater opacity than lead or zinc but tends to yellow in the short term. It is slower drying than lead but faster than zinc. It handles and mixes well, and its surface qualities may be strengthened by mixture with zinc oxide which also helps reduce the sometimes too intense tinting power inherent in titanium pigment.
Permanent Whiteis atitanium white with the same general handling qualities but with a barium sulphate additive which inhibits yellowing in early drying while reducing tinting power and increases transparency.
Ceramic Whiteis apainting white developed by a joint research project of the Holbein Works Ltd. Laboratory and Japanese Government Industrial Laboratory, Ceramic White was developed to combine the most positive qualities of other painting whites when taken collectively. It contains titanium and strontium pigment which will not react with sulphur. Ceramic White offers superior surface strength without brittleness, increases tinting and covering power over lead and zinc, but when compared to titanium white, it offers increased transparency, drying time and visual whiteness. Excellent handling qualities.
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