
Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolour Field Plus Set

Original price was: $60.99.Current price is: $30.50.

SKU: UBN2463998 Category:


The Field Plus set features 12 half pans, a Cotman Pocket Brush and space to accommodate 8ml tubes if desired. It has two slide-out mixing surfaces, a removable water bottle (60ml) and clip-on water cup, plus a unique 4-pan cartridge system that clips easily into place, making pan replacement and color change a snap. The colors included in this set are cadmium yellow pale hue, cadmium yellow hue, cadmium red pale hue, alizarin crimson hue, ultramarine, cobalt blue hue, sap green, viridian hue, yellow ochre, burnt sienna, burnt umber and Chinese white.


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