
Winsor & Newton Ox Gall Liquid

Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $7.99.

SKU: HU26497212 Category:


Winsor & Newton Watercolor Mediums are used to change the rate of drying, increase gloss, improve flow or provide texture. They provide watercolorists with limitless opportunities to add special effects and variations to their watercolor paintings.

Ox Gall Liquid – Enhance the flow of watercolors with this colorless medium. This wetting agent can be used to improve flow when mixed directly with watercolors for smooth washes and good color absorption, even on hard-sized paper. Add 3-4 drops per cup of water to reduce surface tension. Cautiously add more to further increase the flow. Avoid using too much liquid, as it can affect the integrity of your paper.


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